
Huibert Groenendijk
Down to Design

He has proved that beauty can contribute to a windmill’s acceptance in the energy production world. And he once designed a transformer kiosk using Catholicism as a metaphor. He is stubborn and unique in Dutch design circles.

Huibert Groenendijk considers himself a hard-core industrial designer. Like many of his colleagues he starts new projects himself, but Groenendijk is special in that he successfully initiates developments in complex areas, like the markets for windmills and plastic marking buoys.
For the latter he even decided to become a producer himself and founded the Protonna company.

Groenendijk works in the port city of Rotterdam and the emphasis in the wide range of his creations is clearly on products that have to do with wind and water - he has designed an attractive high speed water taxi. Yet he does all kinds of projects. These have included a highly successful safety seat for children, a plastic  pissoir, an ergonomic fishing rod, a telephone, a degradable coffin and a large floating multi-rotor windmill for use at sea.

In this lavishly illustrated monograph Groenendijk demonstrates that there is always room for improvement by design.

010 publishers


The book
Huibert Groenendijk, Down to Design
is available for sale

Cost € 20,-

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